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Setting up Templates

All deals created on RevOps begin from a template. Templates allow you to easily setup the terms and line items that are most often used on an agreement. When your Sales team goes to create a deal, they'll select the template they'll be modifying.

In this guide, we will walkthrough how to create your first template and show you the most common templates created on RevOps.

  • Creating a new template
  • Creating a template from a deal

Creating a new template

To start creating a template, go to Deal Studio and click on New Template.

We'll start by filling out some basic information about our template.

The template name and description helps our Sales team understand when they should a specific template. And the agreement type allows us to label the type of agreement our team will be creating.

If only specific roles should be using the template, we can select the roles that will have access.

Once we're editing the template, to modify this information, click on the 3 dots at the top right hand corner to access the template info menu again.

Typically a template will include the products and services that are most commonly sold and the required agreement terms.

Setting up a template is similar to creating a deal. ‍

Add Terms to Header

Terms added to the header will display in a two-column format. These terms will only display with a label and value, if term language is included they will not be displayed.

By adding the key terms to the top of the document, we're able to call out the most important information to our customer.

We recommend adding the following terms to the top of every order forms:

  1. Contract Term - Effective dates of the agreement. Any service dates used on the agreement cannot fall outside these dates.
  2. Contract Length - Length of the contract.
  3. Billing Frequency - How often the customer will receive an invoice.
  4. Payment Terms - Days the customer has to pay the invoice.
  5. Proposal Expiration Date - When the proposal will no longer be available for signing.
  6. PO Number - Purchase Order number, if required, otherwise not required.
  7. Billing Contact Email - Where invoices will be sent.
  8. Account ID - The internal ID your business uses for the customer.

Add the rest of your Terms

Some businesses prefer to add pertinent agreement language immediately after the term header, right above their pricing table. To do that, simply create a term group and set the display to "Above Pricing".

Other businesses prefer to place their pricing table first and add all their agreement language at the bottom of their document. ‍

In either case, you'll first create a term group either by:

  • Clicking on the "Add Terms" button and adding a term to the deal. By adding a term, a term group immediately gets created.

  • Clicking on the "Terms" tab > "Add term group" button

Once the term group has been created, you can add agreement terms to the template.

Setup pricing tables

Some businesses prefer to have SKUs pre-populated on the template. This makes it easy for the Sales team to quickly quote since they don't need to spend time trying to figure out which product or service needs to be added to the deal. 

‍ To create our first pricing table, we'll click on "Add SKUs" and select the SKUs we'll want to include on our template. Then we'll adjust the display of these line items.

Other businesses may prefer to simply leave the line items off of the template.

If you plan on having your Sales team add their own SKUs, we recommend creating a pricing table without any line items. This allows you to specify the columns you would like displayed on the order form and gives your Sales team a clear indication on where they should be putting the SKUs.

Once you're all done save your template and start creating deals!

Creating a template from a Deal

When viewing a deal, you may decide that you'd like to make it a template. Click on the three dots at the top right-hand corner of the deal, then select "Save as Template".