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Managing Deals with Salesforce Opportunities

When putting together a Deal, a Salesforce Opportunity should be selected and associated with the Deal.  ‍ By associating the Deal with an Opportunity, RevOps can:

  • Import Contacts and Addresses from Salesforce that can be used on the Deal.

  • Import Salesforce data as Variables that can be displayed on the agreement.

  • Insert Line Items from the Deal to the Opportunity ‍ Each time the Deal is saved, the following will occur:

  • The Price Book for the Opportunity will be configured to match the PricebookID of the Line Items included on the Deal.

  • If multi-currency support is enabled, the currency of the Opportunity will also be configured to match the currency of the Line Items on the Deal.

  • Opportunity Products are added to the Opportunity to match the Line Items on the Deal. ‍ In this guide, we’ll walk through how RevOps to associate the Deal to a Salesforce Opportunity. As a prerequisite, this guide assumes that you have connected your RevOps account to Salesforce. If you haven’t, we recommend connecting your Accounts first . ‍

How are Opportunities associated with Deals?

‍ Opportunities can be associated with a RevOps Deal two ways:

  • By searching for and selecting the Salesforce Opportunity when creating the Deal in RevOps
  • By assigning a Salesforce Opportunity ID to a Deal through URL Query Params ‍

Search by Opportunity

‍ When first creating the deal, you can search for and select a Salesforce Opportunity. Based on the Opportunity you select, RevOps will not only associate the Opportunity ID to the deal but also import the contacts and addresses associated with the Opportunity to use be used on deal.  ‍

Creating a Button in Salesforce to start creating RevOps Deals

‍ To simplify the experience of creating a Deal in RevOps from Salesforce, you may create a Salesforce custom button .  ‍ When creating this button in Salesforce, configure the content source to URL and include a URL with the following format: ‍ ‍ You’ll need to personalize this URL with your "Workspace Subdomain". ‍ When this button is clicked on, you'll be able to select the template to start drafting your deal with and the Opportunity will automatically be associated to the RevOps deal.


If you prefer to specify the template that should be used, you'll want to use the following URL where you need to specify both the "Workspace Subdomain" as well as the "Template ID".


To test in sandbox mode, your sandbox URL may be used.


The {!Opportunity.Id} text is not a RevOps placeholder and should be included in Salesforce. Salesforce will replace this with the ID of the current Opportunity. <your_workspace_subdomain> and <template_id> should be replaced with their respective values.

Template IDs will be different between live and sandbox.

Legacy Flow

‍ Organizations utilizing the legacy deal creation flow should utilize the following URL formats:


Organizations on the legacy flow will not see the following screen when creating a deal.

In this case, when the button is clicked, RevOps will open in a new tab and the Opportunity will automatically be associated to the RevOps Deal with the template you’ve selected. ‍ On the Salesforce side, your setup would look like the following: ‍


Users can be restricted to only creating deals from within your CRM. Please contact to have the in-app creation button disabled for users that are not admins or deal desk managers.