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How to Restrict Discount Types

Discounts are a great way to close a deal. There are certain cases when discounts, or a specific type, should be avoided. RevOps provides a guardrail we call the Discount Field Type Permission. In this article, you will learn how to set the permissions on all available discount types.

1. Decide restricted discount types

The first thing to do is decide the type of discounts that are useful in your pricing model. RevOps offers two (2) types of discount types:

  1. Price (e.g. $20 off of a $100 line item)
  2. Percent (e.g. 20% off of a $100 line item)

This only restricts input values and does not impact display.

Let’s say you only want to allow percentage discounts, instead of a money amount (e.g. 20% discount instead of $100 off). ‍

2. Restrict Price discount type

As stated above, there are 2 types of discounts:Price and Percent . To adjust the Price discount type, click on the Show Adjust Price Permissions field under the Price adjustments heading. ‍

‍ Use the dropdown to select the user roles that should be able to set a price-based discount; exclude the user roles that should not be able to set a price-based discount.You will remove all user roles here , leaving the Deal Desk Manager and Sales Manager roles. We recommend leaving manager level roles to allow managers to help their reps in rare cases a price-based discount is needed.


Admin users are always able to set discounts of any type.

3. Allow Percent discount type

Click on the Show Percent Discount Permissions field under the Price adjustments heading. ‍

‍ You can leave this field alone, RevOps’ default set of roles are open and will allow all deal creators to set a percent-based discount. Feel free to set these as you see fit. ‍

4. Save the SKU

After setting the fields as needed, scroll down and click the Save button. ‍


Any existing templates or deals with the SKU will need to have the line item deleted and added back for the updated permissions to be picked up.


‍ After successfully saving your SKU, any new deals with this SKU added to it will have the restricted permissions.


Admin users are always able to set discounts of any type. Restricted users should reach out to their managers or admins for help.

‍ When a user missing any of the roles set for a specific discount type goes to apply that discount type, they will find the text box is disabled and a popup explaining that the discount type has been disabled.

‍ Imagine for a moment you didn’t restrict the price discount instead you restricted the percent discount type. Similarly, you will find the text box disabled and a popup explaining that the discount type has been disabled. ‍


‍ If you know that a particular SKU should have no discounts of any type, you can restrict both fields, as described above, and both text boxes will be disabled and display their explanation popup. ‍

Can I Restrict Discounts to be Whole Number Percents?

1. Set percent-based discount precision to 0

‍ Setting the maximum number of decimal digits of a SKU’s percent-based discount can be done in the SKU’s settings. Look for the Number of digits after decimal point in percentage-based discounts field and set it to 0. ‍

2. Restrict the Price discount type

‍ While you are editing your SKU, restrict the user roles allowed to apply the Price discount type. Click on the Show Adjust Price Permissions field under the Price adjustments heading. ‍

Remove all user roles you wish to restrict from setting a Price type discount. RevOps recommends leaving manager level roles to help their reps in the rare case this discount type is needed. ‍


Admin users are always able to set discounts of any type. Restricted users should reach out to their managers or admins for help.

3. Save the SKU

‍ Finally, remember to save your SKU by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. ‍

Congratulations 🎉

‍ It’s easy to set up your sales team to only use whole number percent discounts when making deals. First, set the number of digits allowed on percent discounts to 0 . Second, restrict your sales users from using the Price discount type. Finally, save the SKU and you’re off to the races. 🚵