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Enriching Additional Data from RevOps to Salesforce

Enriching your Salesforce with RevOps data allows you to run reports from Salesforce, simplify your process of creating renewal or expansion opportunities, and centralize key information about deals on their connected Opportunities. ‍ In this guide, we’ll walk through how to set up data mappings, so you can automate the process of publishing RevOps data to Salesforce.  ‍

Adding custom fields to Salesforce objects

‍ Every business is unique and you may want to capture information that’s not covered by Salesforce’s standard fields, you may need to create Custom Fields in Salesforce to store any non-standard data from RevOps. ‍ Before setting up your mappings, you’ll want to determine the information you want to sync to Salesforce and create these fields. ‍ Once the fields have been created, we’re ready to set up our mappings. Each time the Deal is saved, in addition to inserting Opportunity Line Items, RevOps will enrich these fields. ‍

Setting up Mappings

‍ The value of any property on the Deal, its SKUs, and its Terms can be used to enrich a Salesforce object. You can search for these properties in the mapping dropdown or directly enter them through their addressable name.  ‍ Here are links to full lists of these properties and how they are addressable:

On the Salesforce side, the Salesforce Objects available for enrichment include the Opportunity, Account, and Contract as well as any object one association away from each of these objects when accessed via a Lookup field. ‍ While the lookup field cannot be written directly, the final destination field on the object can be written to instead. ‍ For example, if you are trying to enrich a custom field on an object associated with the Opportunity, search for: Opportunity.{LookupFieldName}.{CustomDestinationField}

Supported Salesforce Primitive Data Types and Field Types

‍ The following Salesforce primitive types and field types are supported for data enrichment by RevOps:

  • int
  • boolean
  • string
  • picklist
  • float
  • date
  • currency
  • double
  • url ‍

Type Coercions

RevOps inspects the destination type and will automatically coerce data according to the following table: ‍

Input DataPrimitive Data TypeDescription
datetimedateRevOps datetime fields are converted to dates.
Yes, True, 1, YbooleanThese common string inputs will synchronize as True
No, False, 0, NbooleanThese common string inputs will synchronize as False

‍ In the table below, you will find a list of the most common mappings configured to track the progress of your RevOps Deals in Salesforce: ‍

RevOps PropertyHubSpot Field TypeDescription
Deal Status
String Possible valuesSetting up this mapping allows you to create HubSpot Workflows that may help you automate other processes. For example, move HubSpot deals to closed won when an order form is signed.
Date Created
Date PickerSyncs when the RevOps deal was first created. Setting up this mapping allows you to create reports to track how many deals are getting created by your team.
Last Updated
String or Date PickerSyncs when the RevOps deal was last updated.
Setting up this mapping allows you to create reports and setup HubSpot Workflows. This field can be used as a workaround to HubSpot's lack of re-enrollment workflows on line item changes.
Contract Signed Date
Date PickerSyncs when the RevOps deal completed signature by all parties.
When used with date created, setting up this mapping allows you to create reports in tracking how long it takes your team to close deals.